Autism and the 7 deadly sins:
Did that catch your eye? I have always claimed that Willow literally has saved me. Any person that lives with a child with Autism is on an escalator to heaven. Not because we are saints or even extrordinary people. This devotional is a little more lighthearted but I definately think there is some truth in it. I would like to explain...
The Seven deadly sins are:
Pride-Unrestrained appreciation of our own worth
Greed-Immoderate desire for earthly goods
Lust-Hankering for impure pleasures
Anger-Inordinate desire for revenge
Gluttony-Unrestrained use of food and drink
Envy-Sorrow over another's good fortune
Sloth-Laxity in keeping the Faith and the practice of virtue
The opposite virtues are:
Brotherly Love
Let's go through the opposite virtues one by one...
Humility-every day I understand that I really have NO IDEA what I am doing. I have no idea what my daughter is thinking and I am DESPERATE! I am down on my knees begging God to give me an answer. If cleaning up fecal smears is not humbling; there is no hope for you.
Liberality-Okay, if you are not a follower of my blog, you will get the condensed version. We are broke. Literally gave up everything so that my daughter would have even the slimmest chance at a good quality of life. I really could care less what we have or if it gets broken. I am not the least bit attached to anything but my DH and kids. Most people say they aren't materialistic but you should see the way they chase my daughter around so she won't break anything.
Chastity-Let's be honest here. I really don't have time or desire to fool around. I know infidelity may be a problem but not here. Not even the least bit interested. At all. Nobody would ever love the kids and I the way that Chris does. Dated too much. Got my heart smashed. Been there. Done that. It's not worth it. Still got a good one. Thank God for him every day!
Meekness-I have got to be candid. I really do get angry when people are staring or rude to my daughter. Or any of my kids for that matter. Judgement is going to be my constant companion throughout my life with Willow. I used to snap at people but then I realised why make someone feel as bad as me? An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. I look at confrontations with people when it comes to my child with Autism as teaching opportunities. I am not trying to be prideful but I am getting pretty good at it. I run through Autism statistics so fast they don't even know what hit them. Now, I use these situations as an opportunity to "instruct the ignorant." One of the Seven Corporal works of mercy!
Temperance-Well, our economic situation really is not condusive to being gluttonous. But I do like to have a good drink (who wouldn't?) and I love to cook (not very good at it.) So, I'm working on it!
Brotherly Love-I really don't begruge anyone anything. I happen to have a couple of friends who are very wealthy. They feel guilty. I always tell them "Would you rather be stressed out and broke like me?" Then they laugh.
Did that catch your eye? I have always claimed that Willow literally has saved me. Any person that lives with a child with Autism is on an escalator to heaven. Not because we are saints or even extrordinary people. This devotional is a little more lighthearted but I definately think there is some truth in it. I would like to explain...
The Seven deadly sins are:
Pride-Unrestrained appreciation of our own worth
Greed-Immoderate desire for earthly goods
Lust-Hankering for impure pleasures
Anger-Inordinate desire for revenge
Gluttony-Unrestrained use of food and drink
Envy-Sorrow over another's good fortune
Sloth-Laxity in keeping the Faith and the practice of virtue
The opposite virtues are:
Brotherly Love
Let's go through the opposite virtues one by one...
Humility-every day I understand that I really have NO IDEA what I am doing. I have no idea what my daughter is thinking and I am DESPERATE! I am down on my knees begging God to give me an answer. If cleaning up fecal smears is not humbling; there is no hope for you.
Liberality-Okay, if you are not a follower of my blog, you will get the condensed version. We are broke. Literally gave up everything so that my daughter would have even the slimmest chance at a good quality of life. I really could care less what we have or if it gets broken. I am not the least bit attached to anything but my DH and kids. Most people say they aren't materialistic but you should see the way they chase my daughter around so she won't break anything.
Chastity-Let's be honest here. I really don't have time or desire to fool around. I know infidelity may be a problem but not here. Not even the least bit interested. At all. Nobody would ever love the kids and I the way that Chris does. Dated too much. Got my heart smashed. Been there. Done that. It's not worth it. Still got a good one. Thank God for him every day!
Meekness-I have got to be candid. I really do get angry when people are staring or rude to my daughter. Or any of my kids for that matter. Judgement is going to be my constant companion throughout my life with Willow. I used to snap at people but then I realised why make someone feel as bad as me? An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. I look at confrontations with people when it comes to my child with Autism as teaching opportunities. I am not trying to be prideful but I am getting pretty good at it. I run through Autism statistics so fast they don't even know what hit them. Now, I use these situations as an opportunity to "instruct the ignorant." One of the Seven Corporal works of mercy!
Temperance-Well, our economic situation really is not condusive to being gluttonous. But I do like to have a good drink (who wouldn't?) and I love to cook (not very good at it.) So, I'm working on it!
Brotherly Love-I really don't begruge anyone anything. I happen to have a couple of friends who are very wealthy. They feel guilty. I always tell them "Would you rather be stressed out and broke like me?" Then they laugh.
Diligence-I really don't know how unbelievers go through life without going crazy! My faith sustains me. I have a great community of friends that share my same values. They are my lifeline. Autism has definately made me more devout and orthodox in my faith.
That being said I know the "Seven Deadly Sins" are a bit oldschool. I really think that we should be taking a serious reevaluation about what is important. I also think you should cut yourself some slack. Raising a family is HARD WORK. Figure out your problem areas and work on them. Just do it a step at a time.
Todays prayer: Lord help me live a virtuous life. Help me to live in humility, liberality, chastity, meekness, temperance, brotherly Love, and diligence. Amen
This was an interesting look at the 7 deadly sins... Never thought of them like that before!
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