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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Ironically, I picked my most hectic day of the week to make a list of my blessings. I have a house full of kids today. This week I am thankful for:
1. Autism and its challenges
2. My husband. Who showed me what unconditional love looks like.
3. My children. God works on me through you daily.
4. My faith. Holy Week was amazing!
5. My Priest Monsignor Gaalaas for his godly counsel all these years.
6. For the blessing of all the devoted staff, teachers, and therapists my children have.
7. For adversity.
8. My Mother who instilled a love of books and learning.
9. Homeschooling and all of its abundant blessings.
10. My life. Which God spared on April 13, 2003.

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