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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Years Resolutions

In 2009 I hope to:

1. Live each day to it fullest Potential. Chris and I went to a friends funeral once (Matt). We were astounded when the preacher went over his life. He packed so much into his short life. The two things he said about him were: he loved the Lord with everything and he lived everyday to it's fullest. He had MS, he did not want to take a second for granted. He knew someday he would not be able to do as much. I want to live like THAT.

2. Focus on a "Healthy Lifestyle" not "Losing Weight." It is the difference between "treating my body like a temple of God" and vanity.

3. Quit drinking altogether. Actually, my daughter initiated this. She has gently reminded me several times (while drinking my glass of wine) alcohol is a drug and bad for you. Can't argue. Last Sunday after communion she said she wanted to "make a vow to never drink anything but the wine of Christ." I explained to her that a vow is a promise to God, like marriage, and should not be broken or its sinful. She said she understood and wanted to make her vow. I told her I was proud of her and I would quit too. I wish I had her devotion. Which leads me to my last but most important resolution...

4. To be a better Christian.

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