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Monday, May 19, 2008

The Puzzle

Today, I was reflecting on the irony of Autism as being described as a puzzle. Because in many ways that is always how I have felt about my life. I knew God always had something beautiful planned for me but I could really never see the whole picture. Just bits and pieces. My youth was very unstable and chaotic. There really was never enough consistency to plan the day, much less my future. Sprinkle that with a little ADD and you have the first 25 years of my life. Before you get out your was not all bad. Something priceless came from my early life experience: patience and resiliency. I don't have to plan every minute of my life and I am very easily contented. My crazy past prepared me for life with an Autistic child. I always tell people Willow just "fits" with our family and life would be so boring without her. I know now, that God allowed the suffering in my past to prepare me for my future. With that knowledge, I am blessed.

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