I am sure most of you have seen
WWJD?" before. It stands for "What Would Jesus Do?" Right? Wrong! In my case, It stands for "What Would Julie Do?" Well, meet Julie
Helow and her amazing family. My friend Anita and I came up with that phrase one afternoon. We both had the
privilege of being touched by this amazing woman and her family. She has often been described as a "living saint." When I think of what kind of person I would like to be...I think of her. She is
probably the most inspiring woman I have ever met. She has been an incredible role model for me. There are several things I have learned from her that I would like to share.
Tips for a strong Catholic family:
- Make attending daily Mass a priority. She has 10 kids and she can make it. Enough said.
- Pray the Rosary daily and try to instill a strong prayer life in your children.
- Make your marriage and family a priority. If at all possible, stay at home with your kids.
- Make Catholic education a priority. Teaching your children about their faith should be your first priority.
- Don't be afraid to hire help. You should not have to do everything. The kids can help too. It allows you more time with your family and helps teach responsibility toward others.
- Surround yourself with people who share the same values as you!
- Be consistent. They have the same address, friends, and church...forever. Stability is key for secure kids.
- Take time for faith formation. Read, go to conferences, etc... You can't evangelize if you don't know your faith.
- Live the principles of Catholic social teachings. Which is simply...live simply so that others may simply live. Let your children see you sacrificing to give to others.
- Last, but not least, don't be afraid to be open to life.
Julie also told me one time to start your day with a morning offering. A practice I try to live every day. I fall very short most days but I strive to spend more time with God every day. That is probably the most important thing she taught me. That God can give you the strength to get through anything. I am also sure that she probably has no idea how much she has changed my life and the life of my family. Which brings me to my point. Most us us do not realise how much we influence others. More important than asking people if they know Christ, is showing people that you know Christ. Being a light. My only hope is that someday, someone will say that about me.