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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Multitude Monday

1. My Family.  The miracle of all of our children.
2.  The incredible blessing of being married to my soul mate.
3.  My best friend of 20+ years Donetta
4. My friend Angela Gardner
5. My friend Jennifer Sartorius
6. My friend Ginger Mitchell
7. My friend Stefani Nolan.  My family away from family.
8. My friend Rachel.
9.  The fact that our family members are some of our closest friends.
10.  My mother.  Also my best friend.
11. My friend Christa
12.  All of my daughters therapists: Cheryl, Lauren, Rachel, and Amy.  I love you.
13.  The blessing of being married to a man of faith and his unfailing support of my vocation as a mother.  Also, his willingness to follow church teaching. 
14.  Did I mention my kids....?
15.  The Helow, Person, and Foss families for showing the many blessings living a life of "openness" gives you."
16.  My faith.  Which should be number 1.  I wouldn't have all of the other blessings without the Father.
17.  My landlords Richard and Theresa Cooper...for giving us an opportunity to go to JSE and their support.  We love our life here.
18.  My neighbors.  My babysitter Lizzie keeps me sane.  She doesn't charge me.  The most Godly teenager I know. 
19.  Autism.  The lessons it's taught me and for the amazing people it has brought into our life.
20.  The Millers.  For giving us the support we needed while in FL.  Like family.
21.  For my father and the lessons he has taught me.
22.  For my brother and his friendship.
23.  For my Sister-In-Law Stephanie...who has endured my gripe sessions for years.

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