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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Expecting Again

God has chosen to bless Christopher and I with another child. I was thinking the other day about how blessed we are. We were told that we may never have any children. I put my faith in God and we were blessed with our first, Krystiana, eight years ago. I started trying to get pregnant on my wedding night. Four years, and many, many, tears and prayers later she came. Then came Willow, 6, Alexander, 5, and Landon 1. Ever since I was a little girl all I ever wanted to be was a mother. I find it sad that children in our society are viewed as burdens not blessings. The larger our family grows, the less enthusiastic the responses are when we tell people we are expecting. I was profoundly affected by my best friend in elementary school, Missy Persons. She was one of thirteen children. She LOVED her family. At the time, I knew that my family wasn't happy. My parent's marriage was failing. When I stepped into her house it was one of the most powerful experiences I have ever had. The Bible says that a happy family is but an earlier heaven...that is the only way I can describe the love in that home. It was like a child's wonderland. Missy also had a sister who was severely disabled. The way she was treated has set a precedent for what I expect for my own daughter, Willow. The baby was sitting on her lap and one of Missy's sisters was excitedly pushing her around in her wheelchair. The thing that I remember is everybody was laughing. I am very excited that the gift of a large family is finally becoming a reality for me. I am praying that God continues to bless us with health, prosperity, and, yes, more children.

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