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Sunday, September 21, 2008

My Heart's in San Francisco

This evening is my first night without Chris. He is in San Francisco for 5 days on business. We tearfully left him at the airport only a few hours ago and his calming (and very organized) presence is already being missed. This evenings plans were a total flop despite my best efforts. The kids had a school function called Lots-of-Fun. I prepped, packed, and brought in faithful babysitter, Lizzy. I think I must be a glutton for punishment. We lasted for an hour and a half (I felt that was impressive). I admitted defeat when my five year old son, Alexander, started throwing dirt at passers by to relieve his boredom while waiting his turn in line. The nighttime routine went well. All four children were worn out from the Jupiter jump and running away from me the entire time. I am off to bed. Regretfully, I promised Krystiana she could sleep with me until Chris gets back. You couldn't ask for a better child but she is the worst bedhog. Only four more days after midnight...