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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Small Successes

It has been so long since I have done this.  This Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany in my "Domestic Church" has been full of small successes.
1.  I am beautifying my home.  I know that we are renting but it gives me peace.  I am a very creative person.  I have spent many, many days painting, hanging pictures, and organizing rooms.  Very happy so far.
2.  Willow's therapy has been AMAZING.
3.  We kept Christmas simple and focused on Christ.
4.  I am "purging" my home of clutter.  It's a process.
5.  I finally got my toddler out of my "Marriage Bed."  I have a very, very happy husband.
6.  We are eating together as a family more.  With Willow, this is no small feat.
7.  I am attempting to start a Cottage Buisiness from my home.  It is something I have been praying about for years.  More on that later...
8.  My daughter Tiana and I have started an evening routine of praying the Rosary.  This is bearing much fruit.  I am starting to get "Rosary Addiction."


LoveItHere said...

Hello again!

Your list sounds like what mine might be if I made one. I chuckled at the one about having dinner as a family because we struggle with that too. It's getting a little easier as she gets older, but it's so hard! A few times she has been in "time out" so we could just talk as a family with the other children. I get sad for them because I think they are missing out on what should be a nice family dinner like I grew up with. Oh well, we are what we are and there's a reason for everything.

OH, I figured out what you meant by my farm! I follow my friend's blog and she lives on a beautiful farm and has a great blog too. Hers is the Blackberry blog. Mine is "Love It Here". Hope that clears things up. Hers is more fun to read! :)

Have a good day!

Unknown said...

That is probibly what I saw! Last night she was not having the family dinner. At ALL. I don't know if it is good or bad but the other kids seem to veiw our family as normal. I guess it seems weird to me because my family experience was SO DIFFERENT. It is so nice chatting with you!